Infrastructure And Learning Sources

The college is a semi urban located on a 38 acre campus. Buildings are adequate for the requirements of the programmes of the college. The college is maintained by the college administration under the leadership of the Principal and Management. The college works from 9AM to 6PM. Library and reading room and computer facilities are easily accessible to the students and the staff. The college encourages external agencies to use their premises. The library is used by the retired faculty members, journalists and social activists which is very encouraging. The neighboring schools make use of the play ground of the college. The campus is periodically cleaned by the staff appointed for the purpose and the NSS volunteers help to maintain the serenity and the cleanliness of the campus.

There was a full fledged computer center  in the college which works form 9.30 AM to 5.30PM. Medical services are available for the students in the form of first aid facility and annual medical examination for the students.

College has facilities for indoor games and outdoor games supervised by the Department of physical education. There is a spacious separate building for indoor games and a basketball court with RCC floor. Many students have participated in the University and district level meets. The college accommodates 100 boys and 80 girls in hostels.